Categories: Roofing

Preparing Your Home for a Storm

When the weather forecast shows that your area is in the path of a particularly strong storm, it’s time to make some serious preparations. If you haven’t already, this is an opportunity to call a professional for residential roof maintenance. The stronger your roof is, the better its chances of surviving a storm, so it’s a good thing if you have been diligent in maintaining it.

However, your roof is not the only thing you should worry about when the storm hits. Here is some advice on how to get your home ready for the storm.

Protect Your Windows

The most vulnerable parts of your home during a severe weather event are the windows and the doors. Shattered glass poses a hazard, and it also means your home is exposed while the storm is still causing its damage. 

To prevent this problem, board up the windows with storm shutters. If you don’t have them, you can just buy plywood. It’s cheap and it can do pretty much what shutters do. As for your door, think about installing a storm door to protect it.

It’s not a good idea to use duct tape on window glass. Your windows are still going to shatter if hit with debris, and the tape is not going to do much to stop the debris from entering your home. The tape is not effective at preventing glass from shattering into countless sharp pieces.

Remove Yard Clutter

Bicycles, hoses, gardening tools, tents, furniture, etc. can be picked up by strong winds and flung against your home. Prevent this by removing them from the yard. Keep them in the garage or an extra room in the meantime. Trim the trees around your home, as well. 

Keep the phone number of your preferred provider of roof repair services on your phone so you can call them if a roof emergency happens during the storm.

Prepare for Flooding

If you live in a low-lying area, it’s a good idea to make evacuation plans. Prepare at least one bag of supplies and clothes for each member of the family and load up the bags in your vehicle. Everyone in your household should be dressed for the cold, so if you think it’s going to flood, you can all just drive to safer ground.

Whether your area is flood-prone or not, unplug all of your appliances and other electronics when the storm hits. Make sure to have extra batteries for a portable radio so you can tune in to the news. Charge your smart devices and extra power banks. If possible, park your car on higher ground, but be sure you can reach it quickly if you have to evacuate.

Line up some sandbags around your home, particularly the entrances. Heavy-duty garbage bags filled up with water and placed side by side can also add more barriers. 

Get in touch with Superior Construction Company for storm damage restoration services. Call us today at (978) 807-1401 or contact us here

Michael Dermody

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